Case Studies

Web3 NFT Immersive gallery

Web3 NFT Immersive gallery
The Challenge
The Approach
The Solution
Web3 NFT Immersive gallery
The Results

Gabriel and Ruth have a number of digital NFT exhibition galleries, which allow them to not only display and sell NFTs but also create a better experience for their audience or potential collectors to ensure that they have a great experience that is also mobile, desktop, table, and VR friendly. Gabriel and Ruth’s art is now available on a global level, accessible anywhere, by anyone. As a survivor of Domestic Violence, the subject that inspires Ruth’s art, the NFTs gallery also serves as an awareness space. Ruth uses this platform to inform and educate people on domestic violence. This platform has motivated her to keep designing, creating, and continuing her battle to help domestic violence survivors heal.

Sales Revenue
Clicks Generated in 24 Hours
Generated Revenue
Company Bio

Gabriel Di Sante is a Web3 digital creator, photographer, influencer and artist. Ruth Cazzone is a web3 digital creator, influencer, and an NFT artist

The Treedis galleries allow us to reach millions of individuals who may also become collectors, and offer a much-needed alternative to web2 websites, which lack the ability to create an immersive experience and are not suitable for this type of product.

Gabriel Di Sante

E-commerce Solutions and 3D virtual experiences Builder

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